Teaching materials Gallery
Workshop on Wood Processing and Machineries at KUFF
Workshop materials
Capacity Building on Learning Management for Sustainable Forest Management
SKU-KU collaborations: Capacity Building on Learning Management for Sustainable Forest Management Day1: Friday 10 Mar 23 การเตรียมตัวเข้าชุมชน Day2-3: 11-12 March 23, Field implementation Day 4-6: 13-15 March 23, Workshop for Proposal development
To enable participants to understand and to apply VR and other technology in the teaching materials development. The whole training is a practice-based training with equipment and software that support material development.
CBA1: Role of HEI in SFM & Bio-economy
28 November – 2 December 2022Organized by Kasetsart University together with Czech University of Life Sciences Prague Objectives: to enable participants to understand on-ground situation of SFM and to reflect into curriculum development within the FRAME’s purposes. Day 1-2: visit