Logging operation and Labor management
Location Savannakhet University Date 12 – 16 June 2023 Schedule Instructors: Assist. Prof. Chakrit Na Takuathung (chakrit.n@ku.ac.th)Responsible: Forest Work Safety Assist. Prof. Nopparat Kaakkurivaara (ffornrm@ku.ac.th)Responsible: Timber Harvesting Further links for specific programs/software Presentation slides Wrap up slides Thinglink: https://www.thinglink.com/ Limberjack:
Forest Protection: Application of GIS technology for Forest Protection
Teaching materials Gallery
Forest Plantation and Wood processing & Preservation Technology
Workshop on Wood Processing and Machineries at KUFF
Workshop materials
Capacity Building on Learning Management for Sustainable Forest Management
SKU-KU collaborations: Capacity Building on Learning Management for Sustainable Forest Management Day1: Friday 10 Mar 23 การเตรียมตัวเข้าชุมชน Day2-3: 11-12 March 23, Field implementation Day 4-6: 13-15 March 23, Workshop for Proposal development